Team Building

Team work Tuneup: Basic Insights for Improving Team EffectivenessThis full-day interactive program is custom designed to improve the performance of your team by helping participants understand some of the key elements of team effectiveness.Topics vary with the needs of each team but may include:<li>Introduction to behavioral styles</li><li>How does your team measure-up?</li><li>Communication</li><li>Situational leadership</li><li>Insights on conflict</li><li>Tools for collaborative problem-solving</li><li>Analysis of the obstacles restraining team effectiveness</li><li>Action planning</li>

Team Building, Team

<em><strong>”We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are.”</strong></em><br />
— Max DePree<br />

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Team Building

Team work Tuneup: Basic Insights for Improving Team EffectivenessThis full-day interactive program is custom designed to improve the performance of your team by helping participants understand some of the key elements of team effectiveness.Topics vary with the needs of each team but may include:<li>Introduction to behavioral styles</li><li>How does your team measure-up?</li><li>Communication</li><li>Situational leadership</li><li>Insights on conflict</li><li>Tools for collaborative problem-solving</li><li>Analysis of the obstacles restraining team effectiveness</li><li>Action planning</li>

Team Building, Team

<em><strong>”We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are.”</strong></em><br />
— Max DePree<br />

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by rainmakercoaching

Team work Tuneup: Basic Insights for Improving Team Effectiveness

This full-day interactive program is custom designed to improve the performance of your team by helping participants understand some of the key elements of team effectiveness.

Topics vary with the needs of each team but may include:

  • Introduction to behavioral styles
  • How does your team measure-up?
  • Communication
  • Situational leadership
  • Insights on conflict
  • Tools for collaborative problem-solving
  • Analysis of the obstacles restraining team effectiveness
  • Action planning
Team Building, Team

“We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are.”
— Max DePree
